With our recent call to renew our New Years vows to Save The Planet, figured most of us could probably also use a bit more light hearted content. Seriously, we’re all probably reading the same news out there and just hoping to hear something about when this might all be over. Until that time comes, we’re going to try and concentrate on a few topics that have slipped through the seams a bit and maybe think about what we’d all like to do after this is all over, after our lives have been put on hold and where we go from there… so how’s about it, maybe some new travel plans? Our do we want to learn a new language? Visit old friends we’ve lost touch with, and NOT by way of social media but by actually calling them up on the phone and maybe even seeing if they want to get a bite to eat or a coffee. I bet for some of us, what we’re really looking forward to is not having to wash our hands every five minutes. Here on our blogspot site we’ll be posting photos, but over on our wordpress site, we’ve already started asking those questions as part of our interviews. Let us know what you think.