Version Three Of The Tesla Solar Roof Ready To Roll

So, Elon Musk is kind of one of those people you either love or hate, or maybe hate to love. Without a doubt he thinks big and does big things, he's out to change the world and he's doing it. On the other hand, maybe he's just a little bit full of bullshit. He's been pushing the whole solar roof shingle thing for a long time now and honestly it's never seemed to get a whole lot of traction. Recently he's announced the rollout of version three, not exactly sure what makes this version different from the other previous versions, but you can definitely read all about it in Wired, Tesla Has A New Solar Roof - And Musk Says This One Will Work. We are all about renewable energy and have high hopes for future cool solar pv projects, but not sure if we're going to buy a whole new roof.